Electricity cost home hire sunbeds
The Sunbed Association announces major news for Sunbed Industry detailing new published scientific research concluding no link between melanoma and sunbed use 01/31/2018 The sunbed industry greeted the announcement as a fantastic boost for the industry. After years of scare stories linking sunbed use and melanoma this research finally refutes conflicting reports issued by the…
UVB Light Treatment – The No1 Treatment for Psoriasis It is now accepted by the medical profession, that UVB light treatment is the number one treatment for the condition of psoriasis. Ultraviolet light B or UVB, is exposed to the skin and slows down the rapid acceleration / growth of skin cells, associated with psoriasis….
A holiday or special occasion is fast approaching and you have an important decision, hire a sun bed or use your local salon for your pre holiday tan. The decision to rent a sunbed for a specific time or get your tanning sessions from a local sunbed salon used to be an easy choice. Home…
WHAT IS PSORIASIS ? Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease and is a chronic condition that is genetic in origin. Certain triggers cause a persons immune system to react and this hyper activity can result in painful, scaly, inflamed patches of skin (plaques). Plaque psoriasis is the most common form of the condition (90%) and is…
There’s no denying it that for the majority of women and men, that having a tan makes you feel better about yourself. Normally in winter I am pale white, meaning I reach for my skinny tan and applicator and apply a layer of fake tan. Once dry I am left with a non-human looking colour filled with patches…
The holiday is booked and the countdown begins to your two week summer break. You have worked hard all year and are looking forward to putting your feet up and relaxing in the sun. In preparation you decide to book your pre holiday tan. You don’t want the hassle of visiting a salon every couple of…